In a peculiar, yet reassuring, confluence of technology and the environment, our DSL service pretty much drops out during sustained rain. Take this weekend, for instance. Lots of rain. Little or no internet service. I'm trying to catch up.
So. Saturday night. Games in the basement apartment. We were five, all told, and managed to get in two games: Ticket to Ride (which went pretty well, even with two new players) and a run through the new-to-everyone High School Drama (which took a while to get going--the rules aren't very clear--and was interrupted by pizza). The basement has a low ceiling and dead bugs, but works well for quick set-up and take-down. It also allows the possibility of long games, or games that can be set up and walked away from.
Comps-wise, I'm reading Robinson Jeffers and The Elephants Teach. I like Jeffers's short lyrics and his burgeoning misanthropy is both fun and disturbing to read. Elephants has a both detailed and broad look at the history of creative writing within English studies (CW is older than you might think; English is younger). This book should be required reading for MFA instructors and grad students.
And I'll leave it at that.