In the midst of the final semester rush, I've had at least one colleague confirm that Wikipedia is not a sufficient authority. We discussed why not (no peer review, instant revisions by persons unknown, and so on), and how it might be used (see those quoted resources at the bottom? go there). We discuss this quite a bit amongst ourselves, really, how much we like and use Wikipedia, but in the ways I've just mentioned (that is, as a springboard). And now, I fear, I have become implicated, emwebbed:
Look carefully at the (roughly) sixth paragraph. I apologize if I come to haunt your student's papers.
HAHAHA. I mean, congratulations. The real question is, did YOU write that bit? I bet you did. Shameless. But that citation is so short and terse it reminds me of essays I get in 101, so you couldn't have. Could you? A disguise?
Posted by: Benjamin | December 14, 2007 at 01:52 PM