It seems like I've settled into a twice-weekly posting pattern. So be it. Once the comps lists are finally read (getting damned close) and the MMLA paper is revised (I need to revise and resubmit in a month to have the paper I wrote for the conference included in their publication) and I'm back to actually writing poems and other bits of interest, I'll be able to do little extra posts. But since nobody's reading this anyway...
Now I have a podcast lineup that covers my interests, with their own postings coming out at intervals that keeps the pod interesting. Most recently, I found the Poetry Foundation's recordings. They have a couple of streams that just read a poem a day, but other streams have discussion. I like discussion. I already read the magazine. I have nature podcasts (from Nature, and Living on Earth), and environmental news (Grist). Culture and food (To the Best of Our Knowledge, Studio 360 and the Splendid Table) and a slew of boardgame podcasts. Which would take far too long for me to create links for. Ask me, though, and I'll send 'em your way.