Sunday, late morning, early afternoon at the Meadowlark, a groovy sort of local coffeeshop, as opposed to a hipster kind of coffeeshop. I admit to not being trendy enough to be allowed into a hipster coffeehouse. Some good, churchgoing folk were in early, left, and another batch of them has drifted through. This included some sweet young’uns who seemed to want to flirt like hell but couldn’t quite figure it out. Or, they were conflicted about, you know, succeeding. Though you could tell they wanted to. Succeed, I mean. The jitteriness wasn’t just about caffeine.
Here’s what else the natives were doing: playing games. A long game of Phase 10 over by the big windows, and a lesbian couple playing online games—at least one of them kept going over to the WebKinz site. And that was strange to see.
During all of this, I was drafting and organizing poems for the diss and then working on the compfolio essay for my Field list. Nothing earth-shattering, there. A good review of the literature that sorts issues out in a mostly chronological way so I can highlight the discussions taking place. And then the essay uses these frames to look at some contemporary poetry. Pretty straightforward stuff, but the application to poetry isn’t being done much.
And now, prep for the road trip. We leave Friday morning for California to drive a friend’s car across country. He and his fiancée are getting ready to spend a year teaching English in Bulgaria, and they want to send the car to Ohio for another friend’s daughter. So. Off we go.