We have survived the visitation of my parents, but the chaos of the first weeks of the semester continues unabated. Meetings and meetings and new students and readers and and and... Whew. The weather has taken a turn for the autumnal. Overnight lows in the 50s, daytime highs in the 70s. Long pants and closed toes are back, as are bugs. Our house, almost a hundred years old, was probably never airtight to begin with, and the years of settling further into the former prairie has opened gaps. So we get lots of crawly visitors when the weather turns especially damp or cool. (Or very hot. Tiny brains will seek water, eh?) So we're seeing a lot more insects and spiders than we have in a while. The situation can be a little unsettling, but the cats enjoy it, and we let the spiders thrive. A strong cold snap will thin the population a bit more, and then we'll reach a stasis again. Since we don't leave food out, and clean up after ourselves, the visitors don't find much to snack on. And, mostly, I haven't found that aggressive anti-bug action works well. So we let nature take its course.