Which has nothing to do with the recently begun football season, though that brings a lot of red-clad folk from across the state to our small city. And it's always interesting to see the rural folk respond to life in the city, though Lincoln isn't nearly as touristy a town as the ones D and I grew up in.
I'll use that to segue to our Marietta, OH trip. Many relatives from both sides in one spot cooing over baby clothes. W received a few useful devices and some puzzling tchotchkes as well as a hundreds of diapers. I got a chance to talk to pretty much everyone for at least a sentence or two, so that was good.
I came home to an email from the KNOCK magazine Ecolit competition people. It seems that I'm one of the winners of that contest. So that was a happy thing. Poem out in their November issue.
And I came across some fine, fine sites on the web to keep yourself thinking about ecologies that don't involve the intricate connections between financial institutions.
And after our travels across the sky, D and I have vowed to spend more time shopping for train tickets. How about you? Discuss. I'll be back later to check on your work.