The multiple rounds of planning for Wendelynne's arrival begin this week. Or, rather, continue. But they're getting ratcheted up by engagements with the institutional frameworks around the event. That is, we start taking baby classes. Birth. Lactation. Newborn care. And I need to add that we're keen to see who else has decided on taking classes and what their attitudes to classes will be. Plus, I'm interested to see how much paranoid consumerism will be thrown our way. I'll try to keep you posted.
One side effect of having a child is that the baby--and D's pregnancy--become the default conversation. D complains that her professional life has been excised. Nobody wants to talk to her about literacy theory, or even how her expertise might be informing her interest in a child. She has become a mommy. And she's more than a little suspicious of that.
In other professional news, the essay I did for PCA/ACA last year got taken into an anthology project, which was all well and good until that project has now found a publisher. So, I get to drop the rest of the comps to focus on an older essay... But the revisions will be good to do, and the project will help me think about other facets of my focus list portfolio. D reminds me that this will be an article in an anthology and that there's no way that that kind of publication suxxorz. Not that she talks like that, but this is an internet posting. So, back to "Writing the Place You Know."