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October 13, 2008



I applaud your romanticism (it IS that). I am perhaps burned out and jaded, and though I still deep down agree with your idea of learning from students and having your work be fed in some ways through and from the classroom, I cannot sustain my work at all outside of it because of it. I feel interrupted and intruded upon, and this is a practical issue, not a higher than thou attitude toward students. And I also think that what you propose is far, far easier (and sometimes actually realized) in a specialized classroom full of upperclassmen; I've noticed this night day differnece in teaching poetry lit or advanced workshop over intros and freshamn comp. I grant I am exahausted, but I don't think one's own work can be significantly grown in the classroom--unless it is purely pedagogical work, which is maybe what you're referring to. If it's writing, if it's sustained research and writing, I just can't see it, especially over heavier course loads and 3-5 day per week calss meetings.

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