The first week of April was the official rollout of the Prairie Schooner Book Prize 10th Anniversary Reader. The good people at the journal met with the good people of the University of Nebraska Press to have a lovely celebration.
At least, I’m told it was lovely. Alaska’s a long commute. And expensive.
But there’s a story here about university publishing that might be useful.
While we were in the midst of the 8th book prize contest, I emailed an editor at UNP, Kristen Elias Rowley. We met for coffee at The Mill and discussed what might need to happen to make an anniversary edition work. What was important to the Press was timing. And I had come to them at the right time: two years was a good lead time. Still is.
I put together a proposal. They accepted it. I started to put the book together and then got a job offer in Alaska. Could I keep both ‘askas happy? My replacement at Prairie Schooner
took up the rest of the task by narrowing selections from the most recent books, and we had a short conversation to confirm our choices.
So the two years timeline is good, but we had an advantage in the fact that UNP had published the books and had permissions and digital files all lined up.
Here’s the “too long, didn’t read” version: publishing takes time. Plan for it!