Already it's feeling like spring in Andrews Hall. No, the fever has not come back. We've got interviews for new hires (in this day and age? in the academy? a miracle), letters of rec are due for a new batch of grad students (some applicants are already calling the offices here), the Schooner book prize is loading up with mss, the new Octopus is out, the cats are trying to hump each other, and the job search is seriously starting to freak some people out. Sure there's more snow on the way, but in my heart, there's butterflies and flowers.
I may need to get that checked out.
In other news, Jolie Holland's in town and we're going to see her. And I found a tasty little magazine for the games-addicted: Knucklebones. It feels young, and some of the writing's a bit, um, puffy, but it's got a whole big section devoted to reviews/descriptions of new games. Ahhhh. So go pick up a copy. I, uh, found mine at the doctor's office, but you might not be that lucky.